The Best Team Meeting Ice Breakers: Questions, Quizzes And Games

Dima Eremin
Jun 27, 2024

✅ Liven up your team meetings. Discover creative & fun ice breaker games to spark engagement & build connections. ▶️

The Best Team Meeting Ice Breakers: Questions, Quizzes And Games
The Best Team Meeting Ice Breakers: Questions, Quizzes And Games

Energize your team meetings and boost collaboration with effective and best ice breakers. This guide explores the valuable role ice breakers play in fostering connections and collaborations, sparking creative thinking, and setting a positive tone for discussions.

We'll provide practical solutions to overcome the challenge of awkward meeting beginnings, offering a variety of creative ice breaker ideas and insights to get your team engaged and ready to contribute. Move beyond forced small talk and discover how ice breakers can unlock the full potential of your team meetings.

What Are Ice Breakers For Meetings?

Icebreaker games are activities used at the beginning of meetings to break the ice (reduce awkwardness) and get participants feeling comfortable and engaged. They can be especially helpful for groups who don't know each other well or haven't met in person before.

There are many different icebreakers you can use, depending on the size of the group, the amount of time you have, and the formality of the meeting.

Why Are Ice Breakers Important?

Icebreakers are important in meetings for a few key reasons:

  • Break the awkwardness: Especially at the start of a meeting, people might feel shy or unsure. An icebreaker helps loosen everyone up, create a more relaxed atmosphere, and make it easier for people to interact.
  • Boost engagement: When people feel comfortable, they're more likely to participate in the discussion and contribute their ideas. This can lead to more productive and creative meetings.
  • Build relationships: Icebreakers can help people get to know each other on a personal level, even if it's just a little bit. This can help build rapport and trust between meeting participants, which is essential for effective collaboration.
  • Set the tone: A well-chosen icebreaker can set a positive and productive tone for the rest of the meeting. It shows that the organizer values the participants' time and wants to create a space where everyone feels welcome to contribute.

Overall, icebreakers are a small investment that can pay off big time in terms of creating a more positive and productive meeting experience.

Easy Icebreaker Questions For Team Meetings

Easy icebreaker questions are perfect for setting a relaxed and friendly tone at team meetings. These simple yet engaging questions encourage participation from all team members, helping to break the ice and foster connections.

Would you rather…?

"Would you rather...?" questions are a fun and simple icebreaker games at team meetings. They present participants with two hypothetical scenarios and ask them to choose which one they'd prefer. Here's why they work well as icebreakers:

  • Easy to answer
  • Spark conversations
  • Light and engaging

Here are some "Would you rather...?" questions you can use for your next team meeting:

  • Would you rather always be one step ahead of deadlines or never have to work on weekends?
  • Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?
  • Would you rather be able to talk to animals or understand everything babies say?

What was your very first job?

"What was your very first job?" works as an meeting icebreaker game for team meetings in a few ways:

  • Prompts personal stories: It encourages people to share a personal experience, which can help them feel more comfortable and relatable to each other.
  • Connects to work ethic: First jobs often involve basic responsibilities and work ethic, which can spark conversations about shared experiences in the workplace.
  • Lighthearted and inclusive: It's a question most people can answer, regardless of age or background, making it easy to participate.
  • Reveals hidden talents: Early jobs can sometimes showcase unexpected skills or interests, fostering a sense of team diversity.

What animal are you?

"What animal are you?" is a fun icebreaker question for team meetings because it sparks creative thinking and reveals hidden aspects of personalities. Here's how it works:

  • Promotes self-reflection: People consider their strengths, weaknesses, or work styles and relate them to animal characteristics.
  • Encourages lighthearted sharing: It's a more creative question than "What's your favorite animal?" prompting interesting explanations.
  • Uncovers personality traits: Animal choices can hint at someone's personality, like an owl for wisdom or a bear for strength.
  • Breaks the ice in a fun way: It's a lighthearted question that encourages people to share something quirky or unexpected.

Good old times…

The icebreaker game "Good Old Times…" involves team members sharing a fond or memorable experience from their past. This can be a great way to help team members connect over shared experiences and learn more about each other. Here’s how it works:

  • Evokes nostalgia: "Good old times" naturally brings up positive memories from the past, creating a sense of connection and shared experience.
  • Flexible format: You can follow the prompt with various questions to tailor it to each team member

If you could choose to have any superpower, which would you choose?

The question "If you could choose to have any superpower, what would you choose?" works well as icebreaker questions for team meetings for a few reasons:

  • Universally appealing: Superheroes are a popular theme; most people can imagine having a special power.
  • Sparks creativity and reveals personality: Choices can be practical (teleportation for commutes) or fantastical (mind reading for better communication), revealing aspects of someone's personality or work style.

What is your favorite film or book?

"What is your favorite film or book?" is a classic icebreaker question for team meetings because it:

  • Promotes conversation starters: Everyone has a favorite movie or book, making participation easy.
  • Reveals personal interests: Choices can provide insights into someone's hobbies, preferred genres, or values.
  • Sparks discussions: People can share their favorite moments, characters, or reasons for loving a particular film or book.

Describe it in one word

The "Describe it in one word" prompt works well as an icebreaker for team meetings promotes team bonding in a few ways:

  • Quick and engaging: People can answer quickly, keeping the icebreaker fast-paced and engaging.
  • Promotes creativity: Thinking of a single word to capture a feeling or idea requires creativity and can be a fun challenge.
  • Works with various prompts: You can use this prompt with different topics to tailor the icebreaker to your meeting's focus.

Best Ice Breaker Games For Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings can sometimes lack the personal touch of in-person interactions. Meeting icebreaker games are a great way to break down barriers, foster connections, and inject fun into remote team gatherings.

Whether you're looking to spark creative thinking, share personal anecdotes, or simply have a good time, these team-building exercise games are designed to energize and engage every team member in a virtual setting.

Show and tell

Each participant shows an item from their workspace or home and tells a story about it. This game helps team members learn more about each other’s interests and environments.

"Show and tell" game

Two Truths and One Lie

In this activity, each participant shares two facts about themselves that are true and one that is false. The rest of the group then tries to identify which statement is untrue. This game not only fosters lively interaction but also unveils intriguing details about each team member.

"Two Truths and One Lie" game

The Desert Island game

Meeting participants choose three items they would bring if stranded on a desert island and explain their choices. This team-building activity prompts creative thinking and showcases personal preferences.

The Desert Island game

Virtual scavenger hunt

A list of items is given, and remote teams race to find them in their homes. This game is energetic and engages participants in a fun and interactive way to promote team bonding.

"Virtual scavenger hunt" game

Company trivia

Questions related to the company’s history, products, or culture are asked. It tests knowledge and fosters team spirit and camaraderie.

"Company trivia" game

Background challenge

Participants change their virtual background to reflect a theme or prompt (e.g., favorite vacation spot, dream workspace). This game is visually engaging and sparks conversation about personal preferences.

"Background challenge" game

Never have I ever

Participants take turns sharing things they have never done. Others who have done those things put a finger down. This game encourages sharing unique experiences and can lead to a positive atmosphere.

"Never have I ever" game

Team Building Activities & Fun Ice Breakers For Meetings

Team building activities not only help participants get to know each other better but also promote team bonding, creativity, and teamwork. Below are some effective and enjoyable ice-breakers and team-building activities to enhance your next meeting.

One-minute introduction

In the one-minute introduction ice-breaker, group members have exactly one minute to introduce themselves to the group. They can share their name, role, and a fun or interesting fact about themselves. This activity helps members become acquainted quickly and sets a friendly tone for the meeting.

It also encourages concise communication and ensures everyone has a chance to speak and be heard right from the start. This ice-breaker is particularly effective for larger groups or when participants are meeting for the first time.

Word association

Word association is a classic ice-breaker that involves participants responding quickly to a given word with the first word that comes to their mind. It encourages spontaneous thinking and can reveal surprising connections between team members. Here's how it works:

  1. Start with a word: Choose a simple and neutral word to begin the game, such as "sun," "coffee," or "blue."
  2. Go around the group: Each participant responds with the first word that comes to mind when they hear the initial word. For example, "sun" might lead to "beach," "warm," or "summer."
  3. Encourage quick responses: Participants should respond rapidly without overthinking, which keeps the game fast-paced and engaging.
  4. Facilitate discussion: After each person shares their word, encourage brief explanations or discussions about why they chose that word. This helps meeting participants learn more about each other and can lead to interesting conversations.

Group storytelling

Group storytelling is a collaborative ice breaker that encourages creativity, teamwork, and active listening among participants. Here’s how you can organize it for your meeting:

  1. Choose a theme: Select a broad theme or prompt for the story. For example, it could be something like "an unexpected adventure" or "a day in the life of a superhero."
  2. Start the story: Begin the story yourself by providing the first sentence or paragraph. This sets the tone and direction for the narrative.
  3. Pass the story around: Each participant adds a sentence or paragraph to continue the story. Go around the group, allowing each person to contribute in turn.
  4. Encourage creativity: Encourage participants to be imaginative and build upon what has been shared before them. There are no wrong answers, and the goal is to create a fun and engaging story together.
  5. Conclude the story: Decide on a natural ending point or time limit for the storytelling activity. Wrap up the story collaboratively or let it naturally come to a close.
  6. Reflect: After completing the story, take a moment to reflect on the process. Discuss what worked well, what was challenging, and any themes or insights that emerged during the storytelling exercise.

Group storytelling is not only a great way to break the ice and build camaraderie among team members but also fosters teamwork and creativity. It can be adapted for both virtual and in-person meetings, making it a versatile activity for any team building session.

Share your workspace

"Share your workspace" is an engaging ice-breaker that gives team members a glimpse into each other's working environments. Here's how you can organize it for your meeting:

  1. Ask each participant to show their workspace through their webcam or share a photo if meeting virtually. If meeting in person, have everyone physically show their workspace.
  2. Each participant takes a few minutes to describe their workspace. They can talk about items they have on their desk, how they've organized their space or any personal touches they've added.
  3. After each person shares, encourage others to ask questions about their workspace. This can spark conversations about work habits, preferences, and common interests.
  4. Look for similarities or differences in how members approach their workspaces. This can help build connections and foster understanding among colleagues.
  5. Conclude by discussing what attendees learned or found interesting about each other's workspaces. This can lead to insights about personal preferences and working styles.

Visual brainstorming

Visual brainstorming is an interactive ice-breaker that stimulates creativity and encourages collaborative problem-solving among attendees. Here's how to facilitate it effectively:

  1. Choose a topic: Select a relevant topic or challenge that your team is currently facing or interested in exploring. It could be related to a project, strategy, or even team dynamics.
  2. Use a virtual whiteboard: If meeting online, use a virtual whiteboard tool (like Miro, MURAL, or Microsoft Whiteboard) where participants can contribute ideas visually.
  3. Brainstorm ideas: Encourage team members to brainstorm ideas related to the chosen topic using images, icons, drawings, or text. Each participant can contribute by adding their thoughts to the virtual whiteboard.
  4. Facilitate discussion: As ideas are added, facilitate a discussion around each one. Ask participants to explain their ideas, build upon others' contributions, or suggest improvements.
  5. Organize and prioritize: Once the brainstorming session is complete, organize the ideas and discuss which ones are most promising or feasible. This collaborative process helps attendees feel engaged and valued.
  6. Reflect and summarize: Conclude the activity by summarizing the key insights and takeaways from the visual brainstorming session. Discuss how the ideas generated can be applied to real-world challenges or projects.


Incorporating icebreaker activities into team meetings helps to foster camaraderie, encourage interaction, and boost overall morale. These activities not only break down barriers and encourage collaboration but also create a positive and engaging atmosphere where participants feel valued and connected. But why not record every fun game for later use?

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