The ultimate guide to writing follow-up emails after meetings

Dima Eremin
Jun 27, 2024

Master the art of follow-up email after meeting ✅ with our expert tips and templates ▶️ Elevate your post-meeting communication game today!

The ultimate guide to writing follow-up emails after meetings
The ultimate guide to writing follow-up emails after meetings

Ever leave a meeting feeling on top of things, only to have those details slip away later? It happens to the best of us. But there's a simple solution: the powerful follow-up email.

This guide will equip you to write emails that solidify decisions, assign clear ownership, and keep projects moving forward after every meeting. We'll not only share essential elements and templates but also explore how to leverage follow-ups to build stronger relationships and leave a lasting positive impression. Ditch the post-meeting amnesia and unlock the power of the follow-up email.

Why are follow-up emails important?

Following up after a meeting with an email is like hitting the pause button and strategically rewinding to solidify the discussion's key takeaways. This email serves as a memory jog for everyone involved, reminding them of crucial decisions made, the next steps assigned, and deadlines to meet. By reiterating these points, you ensure everyone is on the same page and prevent confusion or missed deadlines down the line.

A meeting recap is basically a briefing document of the meeting minutes. But a well-crafted follow-up goes beyond simple reminders. It can also be used to solidify action items and gently hold people accountable. This fosters a sense of ownership and keeps projects moving forward with momentum. Think of it as the bridge between the meeting and future action, ensuring smooth and productive key discussions.

Whether you're hosting or having a meeting on virtual platforms such as Google Meet or even in person, we have got you covered.

Crafting an effective meeting recap email

Following up after a meeting is an essential step that ensures everyone stays on the same page and keeps projects moving forward. A well-crafted recap email keeps the momentum going by reminding participants of key decisions, next steps, and deadlines. However, navigating the various elements of an effective follow-up can be time-consuming.

Here are the key elements to consider when writing your upcoming meeting recap:

Be prompt

Sending your meeting recap email promptly is crucial for maximizing its impact. Aim to hit inboxes within 12-24 hours of the meeting. This sweet spot capitalizes on the fresh memory of the discussion. People are more likely to recall key decisions and next steps when the details are still clear in their minds to review meeting minutes again.

Waiting any longer risks details getting lost in the daily email deluge and hinders the momentum established during the meeting. By striking while the iron's hot, you ensure everyone stays on the same page and keeps the project moving forward.

Pro tip: don't forget to write an attention grabbing subject line.

How to write a subject line in a follow-up email

Show appreciation

When crafting your meeting recap email, don't underestimate the power of expressing appreciation. A simple yet genuine "Thank you for your time" at the beginning sets a positive tone and shows respect for everyone's participation. This opening establishes a sense of collaboration and reminds everyone of the value they bring to the table.

Show appreciation in a meeting email

Similarly, including a closing like "Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions" demonstrates your openness to further communication and fosters a sense of approachability. These small gestures of appreciation go a long way in building rapport and strengthening relationships with your colleagues, ultimately making your follow-up email more impactful.

Summarize the meeting

The heart of your follow-up email lies in recapping and summarizing the meeting effectively. Here's where clarity reigns supreme. Focus on capturing the key decisions, action items, and deadlines discussed.

Bullet points are your best friend here, allowing you to present this information in a concise and easy-to-understand format. Avoid lengthy recaps that bury crucial details. Remember, people are busy, so prioritize the most important takeaways and keep them to the point. This ensures everyone is on the same page about the next steps and prevents confusion down the line.

How to summarize a meeting in a follow-up email

Continue the conversation

Don't let your follow-up email be a one-way street. Include a clear invitation for further communication to keep the conversation flowing. This could be as simple as a closing line like "Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions" or "I'm happy to discuss this further at your convenience."

How to suggest to continue the conversation in a follow-up email

For more complex topics, consider suggesting a follow-up meeting or call to delve deeper into specific points. This proactive approach demonstrates your commitment to collaboration and ensures everyone has the opportunity to clarify any uncertainties. By opening the door for continued dialogue, you foster a sense of teamwork and keep the project moving forward with momentum.

Mark the next meeting date and time

If your meeting involved setting a date for a future follow-up or next steps discussion, including that information in your follow-up email is key. Here's how to handle it:

  • Be clear and specific about the next meeting date. Don't rely on vague phrases like "soon" or "let's touch base next week." Instead, state the exact date and, if necessary, the time for the follow-up.
  • Consider offering to add the meeting directly to everyone's calendars using a scheduling tool. This eliminates the pain point of finding a mutually agreeable time and streamlines the process.
  • Briefly mention the objective of the next meeting as a gentle reminder. This refreshes everyone's memory and ensures they come prepared to discuss the relevant topics.
remind the next meeting date and time in a follow-up email

By incorporating the next meeting date effectively, you keep the project moving forward with a clear roadmap and ensure a great meeting recap about upcoming discussions and relevant documents.

Tips for your next meeting follow-up email template

Here are some tips for crafting your next meeting follow-up email template:

  1. Personalized greeting: Begin your email by addressing the recipient by name to create a sense of connection and personalization.
  2. Summarize main points: Provide a summary of the main topics discussed during the meeting to refresh the recipient's memory and ensure clarity.
  3. Highlight action items: Clearly outline any action items or tasks assigned during the meeting, including deadlines and responsibilities. Use bullet points or numbered lists for easy readability.
  4. Offer assistance: Reiterate your willingness to provide support or assistance with any tasks or questions that may arise from the meeting discussions.
  5. Include next steps: Clearly articulate the next steps or follow-up actions that will be taken after the meeting, including any scheduled follow-up meetings or communication.
  6. Close professionally: End the email with a professional closing, such as "Warm regards" or "Truly" followed by your contact information.
  7. Keep it short: Remember to keep the emails clear and concise manner, avoiding unnecessary details or lengthy explanations. Aim for clarity and brevity to ensure the recipient can quickly grasp the key points.

By incorporating these tips into your meeting recap template, you can effectively communicate important information, reinforce action items, and maintain productive meetings with participants.

Templates For Meeting Recap Emails

Now that you've mastered the essential follow-up email principles, let's explore ways to streamline the process and personalize your team meetings:

Template treasures:

  • Online resources: A wealth of websites offer free and premium meeting follow-up email meeting summaries. Search for "meeting follow-up email templates" to discover a variety.
  • Industry associations: Many industry associations provide resources for their members, including email templates. Check your association's website or contact them directly.
  • Email platforms: Many email platforms like Gmail or Outlook offer pre-built templates you can customize for your important details.

Crafting your own meeting recap templates:

  • Meeting agenda reuse: Repurpose key points and action items from your pre-meeting agenda into your follow-up email for a streamlined approach.
  • Adapt & personalize: Don't be afraid to adapt existing templates. Inject your personality and tailor the content to reflect the specific meeting.
  • Focus on clarity & value: Remember, clarity is king. Ensure your email is easy to understand and provides value to the reader.

Bonus tip: Consider creating a library of your personalized follow-up email examples for different meeting types. This saves you time in the long run and ensures your communication stays consistent and effective.

Automate the follow-up email after meeting with Bluedot.

Writing meeting recaps after your Google Meet can be time-consuming. But imagine having a powerful assistant that streamlines your virtual meeting – that's where Bluedot comes in. Once you send your Google Meet invite, you can rest assured that you can sit back and observe.

Automate the follow-up email after meeting with Bluedot

Here's how Bluedot's magic trio of automatic summarization, transcription with timestamps, and its potential integration with email templates can transform your future meetings:

  • Automated summaries: Struggling to condense key points from lengthy meeting notes? Bluedot takes the reins. Its AI smarts automatically analyze your Google Meet recordings, generating a concise meeting transcript that captures the meeting's essence. This eliminates the need for you to spend time summarizing everything, saving you precious minutes and ensuring nothing crucial gets missed.
  • Timestamps: Ever wished you could instantly direct people to specific discussions within your meeting recording? Bluedot makes it possible. With timestamps embedded in the summaries, recipients can effortlessly jump to the moment a decision was made or an action item was assigned. This eliminates confusion and streamlines communication for everyone involved.

By leveraging Bluedot's capabilities, you can:

  • Save time: Ditch the time-consuming manual summarization and note-taking.
  • Boost clarity: Ensure everyone's on the same page by referencing specific points in the meeting recording.
  • Increase efficiency: Craft effective follow-up emails in a fraction of the time.

With its intelligent summarization, timestamp precision, and potential template integration, Bluedot can become your secret weapon for crafting effortless and impactful follow-up emails after every Google Meet.


Crafting an effective follow-up email after a meeting is essential for maintaining communication clarity and ensuring productive outcomes. By summarizing key points, clarifying action items, and expressing gratitude for attendees' time and contributions, you can reinforce the value of the meeting and keep the momentum going.

Plus, with Bluedot's comprehensive platform, composing follow-up emails has never been easier. With access to features like notes, summaries, and timestamps, Bluedot empowers users to streamline their follow-up process and communicate with professionalism and efficiency. But Bluedot also specializes in recording your Google Meet, as well as safely stores it for future use.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the art of follow-up emails, Bluedot provides the tools and support you need to make a lasting impression and drive successful outcomes after every meeting. Install free extension


Is it appropriate to send a meeting recap to someone who didn't attend the meeting?

Yes, it can be appropriate to send a meeting recap to someone who didn't attend the meeting, but there are a few things to consider first:

  • Reason for absence: If you know why they missed the meeting (e.g., illness, last-minute emergency), acknowledge their absence briefly and offer to catch them up.
  • Importance of their role: Consider how crucial the meeting attendees' involvement is in the project or decisions made. If their input is essential, a follow-up might be necessary for future discussions.
  • Meeting recording or notes: If a recording or detailed notes are available, you can offer them as a resource to get them up to speed.

Should I follow up if I didn't receive a response to my initial follow-up email?

It can be frustrating not to hear back after sending a meeting recap after the previous conversation. Here's how to navigate this situation:

Consider the Context:

  • Time elapsed: Wait at least 2-3 business days before sending a second follow-up. People are busy, so give them some time to respond.
  • The urgency of the matter: If the information you need is critical and time-sensitive, a gentle nudge sooner might be appropriate. Explain the urgency briefly in your email.
  • Importance of the recipient: For key stakeholders or decision-makers, a second follow-up might be necessary.

How do I handle confidential information in a follow-up email after a meeting?

Following up after a meeting is important, but it's crucial to handle confidential information with care, especially in email communication. Here's how to ensure your follow-up emails are secure and discreet:

  • BCC over CC: If sending the email to multiple recipients, consider using BCC (blind carbon copy) instead of CC. This ensures email addresses of others on the BCC list are hidden, adding a layer of privacy.
  • Password protection : Some email platforms allow password-protecting specific sections of the email containing confidential information. Explore this option if your platform offers it.
  • Company policy compliance: Refer to your company's policies regarding handling confidential information through email. They might have specific protocols or restrictions in place.
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